Don't let marketing overwhelm, DNA ensures every client connection matters!

Elevate your business with DNA Social Media Marketing's seamless blend of AI technology and personal touch, fostering enduring connections and an innovative digital presence. 

Partner with DNA Social Media Marketing


What our customers say about us...

A positive force! Blind to any obstacle, They would just walk-thru it all with a smile and confidence to ensure all saw she had just walked passed "fear" and ignored those fears! Nothing will get between them and the results their desire on any given task.

- Melanie Plante DeCoteau


Absolutely unbelievable at what they do. Their ability to focus and be extremely productive is uncanning! They get more done with less than most people do with more. This company is absolute expert in its field and you would be crazy not to work with it.

- Robert McGuinness


 Beyond amazing! They help others to identify and live their dreams. They easily brings these dreams to reality with real life plans and action steps. They say you should only do coaching with someone who is living a life you would want.

- Jane Thielen


Imagine a scenario where you can focus on what you do best, and we take care of the rest.

In a world where connections are crucial, DNA Social Media Marketing specializes in assisting companies in not only acquiring new clients but also in systematically nurturing those relationships. Picture a personalized approach to social media that transcends mere likes and clicks. We're here to uplift your brand, attract fresh clients, and establish enduring connections.

At DNA, we firmly believe in the potency of strategic engagement, transforming your online presence into a vibrant and thriving community. Let's revolutionize your social media into a powerhouse for nurturing clients. I'm Ruth Dorsainville, owner of DNA Social Media Marketing Agency and at DNA, we don't just market – we cultivate relationships.

Book your complimentary 30-Minutes Strategy Session Today

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Forge a nurturing connection with your audience through the innovative capabilities of our AI Marketing Software. Craft ads with thoughtful precision, strategically designed to engage and captivate, breaking the scrolling cycle. Embrace our software to foster a meaningful relationship with your clients, as you surpass competitors and attract a loyal clientele. Let our technology empower your marketing campaigns, ensuring a caring and effective approach that resonates with your audience, ultimately leading to unparalleled success.


Tailored Solutions

Our solutions are meticulously designed to streamline business processes, generate leads, and seamlessly nurture client relationships. Experience the power of ultra-fast funnels and intelligent websites that not only outperform the competition but also establish genuine connections at an unprecedented response speed. Effortlessly create an ecommerce store in minutes, complete with SEO optimization for heightened visibility. Enrich your client outreach with AI-generated ebooks, providing valuable education. Our user-friendly CRM system ensures smooth integration into your operations, enhancing efficiency.


Client Success Stories

Foster credibility and trust by showcasing success stories and testimonials from businesses that have undergone the transformative influence of your services. Real-world examples serve as powerful illustrations of the effectiveness of our AI-driven approach, allowing you to build a compelling narrative on social media. By sharing personalized, high-touch customer satisfaction stories, you not only enhance your brand's credibility but also create a genuine connection with your audience. This approach not only boosts customer satisfaction but also lays the groundwork for generating referral business, as your satisfied clients become advocates for your exceptional services.


Your All in One Business Strategy and Solution

Tap into our specialized services to propel your business to unprecedented growth. Our team of experts spans various domains, including marketing, advertising, human resources, and finance. No matter where your company faces challenges, we're here to provide targeted solutions and support for your business's tremendous expansion.


Personalized Coaching

Embark on a transformative journey with our personalized coaching designed to uplift you during challenging times. As a CEO, navigating the complexities of business can be overwhelming. Our compassionate certified coaches are here to provide the support you need to overcome challenges and elevate both your professional and personal life. Experience a holistic approach that focuses on growing your mindset, aligning it with your goals. Let us guide you towards the next level of success, with a personal touch and genuine care for your well-being.


Innovative Educational Content

Stay connected with our evolving community, where we keep you abreast of innovative content. Being a part of this community ensures you stay at the forefront of innovation, enabling you to consistently deliver the best value to your customers.


Create Client Relationship Systematically

We assist you in cultivating relationships that go beyond a simple click. Our focus is on fostering enduring connections beyond the realm of social media posts. Let us guide you in building and nurturing relationships that withstand the test of time.


We invite you to explore the future of digital marketing, where the prowess of artificial intelligence transforms social media strategies into unparalleled success stories.

Book your complimentary 30-Minutes Strategy Session Today

How does your business benefit when you collaborate with us?

Harness our AI-driven campaigns to magnify your digital footprint, reaching new markets effortlessly

Streamline your processes with our AI automation, freeing up time to focus on growth

Build authentic bonds with your audience, thanks to our blend of AI efficiency and human warmth

Optimize your business operations with our custom tech solutions, reaching peak performance

With targeted campaigns, accelerate your revenue streams and watch your profits soar

Elevate your brand's presence with our strategic AI marketing, standing tall in a crowded marketplace

Save precious hours with our AI automation, giving you more time to innovate and lead

Keep clients returning with our engaging AI strategies that

Book your complimentary 30-Minutes Strategy Session Today


Will AI make my brand seem cold and impersonal?

Our AI blends with a human touch to ensure warm, personalized interactions every time.

Is AI technology too complex for my current business setup?

We make AI integration smooth and effortless, tailoring solutions to fit your business with ease.

How can I trust AI with understanding customer emotions?

Our AI is fine-tuned to capture and respond to emotional cues, ensuring empathetic customer engagements.

Won't automated engagement lead to generic interactions?

Our automation is designed to deliver tailored responses, making every interaction feel as personal as possible.

What if I need human assistance in adjusting to the AI system?

Our dedicated team offers continuous support, bridging any gaps between you and our AI technology.